Water Testing
The EPA recommends testing your water quality at least once a year.
Service Description
Test For: • Bacteria - strains of E.coli can cause serious illness or even death. • Arsenic - Causes skin, lungs, bladder and kidneys • Lead - causes developmental harm, neurological and kidney damage. • Copper - causes liver and kidney damage in infants. • Iron - causes staining in laundry, dishes, bathtubs and sinks. Clogs pipes and gives off offensive odor. • Pesticides - from agricultural uses, linked to increased cancer rates. • Nitrates - from fertilizers and animal waste, causes developmental problems. • Chlorine - can increase cancer risk, gives water bad taste and smell. • pH level - can cause heavy metal (lead) leaching and plumbing damage. • Water Hardness - causes lime scale and higher detergent use. AND MUCH MORE For more information regarding the EPA's Water Quality Standards please visit: http://water.epa.gov/lawsregs/rulesregs/sdwa/currentregulations.cfm

Contact Details
+ 908-752-1523